CONGRATS to my good friend, Danielle, and her husband Jeremy for ADOPTING their very first dog, Reese. Danielle and Jeremy have been wanting to rescue a dog for quite some time now, but were waiting until they moved into their new home, which they bought in August. Just a couple weeks ago, they met a beautiful black-lab mix at the Petsmart Adoption site in Billings, Montana. They fell in love & brought her home. Danielle has expressed her amazement in how well-behaved & comfortable Reese is in their home...it was just meant to be! I cannot wait to meet her.
Reese was a stray that I found in a grocery-store parking lot when I was living in Las Vegas. I took him in, posted an ad on Craigslist, checked him for a microchip, and after 2 weeks of no one claiming him, I started looking for a 'forever home' for him. My sister was REALLY wanting to rescue a dog for my 8 year old nephew, Bradon. This seemed to be perfect timing! I drove Reese down to Los Angeles before I moved to the east coast and introduced Reese to his new family. He is now living happily and spoiled :-)
(I hear he has developed quite the Napoleon Complex while in the company of my Mom's dogs! I think his days on the street have made him feel a bit inferior & mighty! Needless to say, he is very playful with other dogs and nothing but a ball of love.)